novembre 2013
    well hello everybody every otaku every gamer everyone today we have a great news for you fairy tail fans and yes we haired of it last jully we knewed that the anime will be back but we had no date and we also said that it'll be in the the japan's new year but no.
    today we have a date or sort of our resource said that a great project concerning fairy tail will be this April so we are not magicians it smells the next of anime our source is reliable and we will feed you with information so be patient.
          Hello every one and welcome to the new Tuto About YouTube........................
So many of our funs on our Facebook page ( that you can see over Here ) Told us how to download video from YouTube but in full format and with HD resolution and Today We will share with you this information...
So, have a nice reading.

  So Simply if you want to download a YouTube video without using IDM or any other software like this you will download the video but without sound because it violation of copyright
But with Digitale Anime We will tell how just go to and paste the URL of your video in the first page that you will see sp after this all you have to do is to choose the Format of your video and for the last step clik and download that it.

For more explanation this a video Tuto how to Download from YouTube

yes this not a joke or an empty talk! it's a fact, where you can shut down the computer in 5sec only, and the operation don't cause any harm to your computer. Te shut down of the computer in the old way take time because he is searching for programs operated by computer and suggests that you close them, in addition if he find any work not-portfolio it will suggest you the Memorization of your business......all this think took a lot of time, but using the program Super Fast shutdown, it will forced the windows to close with out going through checking programs. Which will make the computer turns off immediately after clicking on the program.

So after downloading and installing Super Fast shutdown it will appear two icon in the desktop , the read one it's Super Fast Shutdown in order to close the computer and second the green one Super Fast Reboot to reboot you computer quickly. you shift the two icons to the task-bar and enjoy it.

For more information or you have a problem just send us email to    or send us message in our facebook page facebook/Digitale Animes

to download the program: Super Fast Shutdown
   The release of the Xbox One revives in us great (and not so good) memories. Today, we decided to make the Top 5 best series related to Microsoft (Xbox release lot, a little on PC too).

5 - Alan Wake

Alan Wake was certainly one of the most anticipated Xbox 360 excluded. Expected, because it was the studio Remedy was flying (Max Payne) and expected, because the game has long been desired (first announced in 2005). In 2010, the game finally comes out, and offers an experience reminiscent of the world of Stephen King, in a unique blend of action and survival horror. Well received by critics, it is perhaps not as well as hoped sold (1.5 million units recorded in December 2011).

4 - Fable

The Action / RPG series Fable, landed in 2004, is a now famous series related to Microsoft. We note three album released (Heroes and The Journey are a little apart) the world of Albion, moral choices that determine the alignment of the hero, the dog born in Fable II or large O great speeches of Peter Molyneux , the designer of the series.

3 - Halo

Failing to be the best in the game (in our opinion) Halo remains arguably the most iconic series of American society, with a hero, Master Chief, who quickly invited the pantheon of heroes of the media. The Halo series is one of the most lucrative, with many records and the 50 million sales achieved in December. The series is expected to return in 2014 with an album on Xbox One.

2 - Forza Motorsport

The Forza Motorsport series has managed in recent years to become the new benchmark in automotive simulation, instead of Gran Turismo, exclusive Sony competitor. Series started in 2005, it is now an ambassador for the Xbox One, and probably one of the best games, if not the best line-up of launch of Microsoft's console.

1-Ryse : Son of Rome

The Roman Empire was perhaps a paragon of civilization and refinement, it is built on the blood and conquest. It is this aspect of its history Ryse chooses to show you around making you play as a Roman officer at agile blade.

    yo everybody every otaku every gamer and today is the retro anime day and we speak today about a little anime a great anime i can say its SAYUKI 

   this anime is a killer composed of 4 saison this anime is the adventure of 4 friends to the far west and of cores the road is full with enemies and divinities who try to stop them their memories are part erase they don't remember who they are they just knew they must go to the far west
  the universe anime is if i can say old with old houses temples and the citizen are humans and monsters and divinities  and the only rule is the stranger eat the weaker the personage have strange powers of cores they dont knew from were the power came :p.
   if you search for a good anime with great history this is the one stop searching and start watching.

  yo everyone every otaku every gamer today is the retro game day and we piked for you a little game called VAGRANT STORY yeah its a little old from the ps2 era but the fan of RPG game will love it and can play it on there ps3 or ps4 the other can play it on there PC with PS emulator

  this game is a squarsoft game so the battle system is like the Finale Fantasy saga so when this little baby was born he was created from all the experience of the Finale Fantasy and the other RPG that squarsoft created and the mistakes where corrected this game contains RPG phase and platform sequences adventure and fight turn by turn
   the game is in medieval era i mean a fantasy medieval era don't forget its squarsoft so you'll fight dragons snakes ghouls giant fish fly mouses and other stuff the skill and exp and skill system is like finale fantasy with a little modification
   in the end this game is difficult and only RPG fans will like it i think but if you want to play a game with good history mode this is it all RPG fan's enjoy.
     After a week of the release of the PS4; Microsoft has lunched the XBOX ONE so let's take a small look about this Machine

The Design :

  The xbox one design is like the the xbox 360 slim but he is just more Strict and simple with well-cut end that make it special and the same time more original because it the first new Gen Machine that have a simple structure. personally i prefer the disigne better than the PS4

The capacity : 

  All we know now is that the Xbox one has a 8 dual cores it meas 16 and an AMD graphic Card, and also a Blu-Ray disc driver for the first time for Microsoft ( Don't worry the Xbox can also read the DVD ).

The Bad Side :

  We now that the Xbox one was made at the first time in order to be always connected to  internet but after one week Microsoft canceled that idea, today Microsoft said that in order to play with the Xbox Off-line you must do 23 steps in order to Set up your machine the bad side is that all the Xbox's have this option because when you do this 23 set up Microsoft must create a special file for every Xbox. We hope that the problem will be checked out quickly.

The released Games :
                                                  Looking is better than the reading  ;).

( Xbox One cost 499$ )

GiveAway sites are web sites allow you to get offers for products free of charge could be programs or concrete products.

In this post we will learn how to get the programs free of charge from paid site Giveaway.

Giveawayoftheday site allow to get a copy of paid program free charge, the display works from 9:00 pm to 9 pm of the next day in this period is post a link to download the program for 24 hours after the end of this period an other program will be published.

to get this offer is enough to enter Here and follow the steps in the pictures.

When you enter to the site in the Home page click the upload button like in the picture.

In the next page an upload link will show just click it and the download will start.

Similar sites:

There is no doubt that everyone want to modify there profile picture and make it better, and there are also those who want to make the images captured become photographs professional, and no doubt that these things require the expertise and professionalism in dealing with some programs.
There is a lot of application for Android and ios that will help you to modify your photo professionally, but most applications are either free or be of poor efficiency.

In order to avoid all these problems and obstacles, even without your availability on a smart phone or be a photographer and designer have experience in this field, you are capable of modification to your photos in a professional match and each according to his creativity.

So everyone loved application camera360 provides you with all these advantages, it directly on the net without the need to download and install software or other annoying things a pioneer in this field and the number of its users more than 100 million.

all you need to do is enter the web site

You just have to click Upload to upload your picture and start the modification.

One of the main characteristics of this application is that it allows you to cut the image as you want through property Crop, in addition to that you can refer back like in major programs, and finally we come to save your work and clicking on the save and share where you can publish directly to Facebook or twitter by clicking on the share, or you can download it directly to your device by clicking on the save.
There are a host of other features will help you to make your favorite photos, for example, your profile picture fascinating and attractive, and this is an example of a profile picture of a friend on Facebook you modified, and each according to his creativity!

    yo everybody every otaku every gamer
today will give you the planning of December for the Naruto shippuden episodes
first thing first their is HS so:
 28 November edo-tensei canceled
 05 December resurrection !!! orochimaru
 12 December the secret of the ninjutsu spatiotamporal
 19 December who the hell are you
 26 December no episode
 thats it for now enjoy
         So when apple release the I-phone 5 with  the finger print saver, all Geek turns ther heads to this phone in order to get this technology, so at the same time the Korean were in defence position and know they took the lead with the a device for eye recognition provided on its galaxy S5......keep folowing us ;)

     So, this technology is that an ocular player will broadcast to your iris light shown here in yellow. It is this light that will allow the Galaxy S5 analyze your eye and authenticate. Then, once your identity recognized, eye recognition could also be used to unlock your smartphone for entering passwords.....
    Theoretically more reliable than fingerprint readers but more expensive to produce, recognition device of the eye that Samsung wants to implement the Galaxy S5 should not be confined merely to unlock the screen. It is thus quite possible that the device offers different output when it's software related features.

   So in conclusion this a new but not enough to face the finger printer of apple so one point for the i-phone
                                                 this a representative pattern for more details

The addition of Chrome Office viewer gives you the opportunity to open files like Excel, World, PowerPoint directly from you browser Google Chrome that support the following file format ppt, xlsx, xls, docx, doc, pptx.  

So no need to download the file and save it on the computer, just open the link and it will open directly in the browser to preview.

To add this following property to your chrome browser it's enough to access this link Here and follow the steps.

when you click on the link you will see this interface click on Free+
after cheeking a message will appear click on Add or (Ajouter) and wait the uploading.

after that the Extension is added to you browser. Enjoy it   
Want to have your own toy, or your personal statue with special design......all you need is to have a 3D printer and an application that it available only on windows 8.1 it name is 3D builder so want know just follow Digitale Animes.....

  if you want to have this application you have only to go over Here and you can get it you must have a windows 8.1 ( it a revolution app ).
    3D Builder is a fun, easy to use, free app for Windows 8.1 that helps you turn digital objects into physical ones and explore the exciting world of 3D printing.  It also includes a library of example 3D objects to get you started.

Whether you are an experienced enthusiast or new to the world of 3D printing, 3D Builder is fun for Makers of all ages.
   So if you want to have us an example a special gift for special somone with special disigne ;)
you have your choice just bring a 3D printer and it done.

The release on Windows 8 with out a start menu has make a lot of nose among windows users, and since the release of Windows 8 all the programmer has try to make a program that able to give users the advantage to use Start menu, where we find a lot of program who gives you this list but any one of them is not appropriate for the design of Windows 8 and efficient weak.

START MENUREVIVER it's a wonderful program, like you see in the picture is fully compatible with Windows 8  and is used by more than 168,000 users, witch provides you with Many characteristics like:
- The possibility of putting you favored website in the form of application.
- The Possibility of putting your useful software or system applications.
- The possibility of the modification on the list very ease and smooth.
- The possibility of the modification of the colors by clicking on Setting then menu setting and change color sheme. 

- And it have a side menu who gives you the possibility for the ease search.
- The program provide a set of ready-made icon that you can use.
and there is a lot of other properties, i will let you to explore, a,d you can download it from Here

before we start you should know that the solution don't work with a bad flow  of internet, unless you want to watch video with quality of (140p). and it's a method for Windows user.
so what happen behind the scenes and how to increase the speed display video?
you should know dear reader that some Internet Service Providers(ISPs) try to speed up the display video via resource to some server that store temporary videos as a servant for YouTube which poses some problems as is the case for us.

So with using in method you will force the server of YouTube to push videos directly to you without need to the cache servers. so first go to start menu and write CMD in search bare, next we click with the right button of the mouse and we choose Run as Administrator  to run prompt as admin.

In this windows you will this code:
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="YouTubePerformanceHack" dir= in action=block remoteip=, enable=yes

After that click (Enter) and wait until the command is executed successfully and is suppose to show (OK) in last.
PS: if after using this method you face some problems you can remove it by using the same way and write this command: 
netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="YouTubePerformanceHack"
            Yesterday, the Ps4 was released In the USA, So  SONY announces with a Big smile that his next gen console is already flowing over 1 million sale yesterdays evening In USA, ............... BUT nothing Is perfect

 so After 20 hours of waiting in the middle of night, Americane Gammers have Finally  bought there PS4 and the Sony said that the sale of it console has reached 1 million sale like Yoshida  Shuehei said in his Tweet But Sony said that she want to reach the 5 millions sale before 2014 ( we hope for Sony )

But the gammers are not satisfied about that because most of The PS4 are Fake and damaged because As when running and after Format device is naturally reboot but the problem lies in the emergence of the color red in the bar on the device instead of the color blue, is the so-called  Red Light Of Death  As shown in the video below.

Many technical forums and especially those specialized the PlayStation Has filled of complaints and inquiries regarding the problem, but there was no response from the company ( so we hope too for solving the problem ).
                         Thank you for reading..................................................and have an ice day 
           After Samsung Lumia and Galaxy Round, Now it the turn of  LG with the plumper screen, so with this new design that will took the lead of the next year, LG was able to proof  it capacity by creating G Flex....

The Phone :
      So, LG G flex is based on LG G2 but it has more improvements the main fact of deference is the Screen more original and larger, It is a 6-inch OLED 720p. it has also a 800 Snapdragon processor clocked at 2.2 Ghz, 2 GB RAM, 32 GB of memory, a 3500 mAh battery and a 13-megapixel camera has an Android system....the weighs of this phone is 177 grams and is between 7.9 mm and 8.7 mm thicknesses in different places. 
In Conclusion :
   G Flex is the "first true smartphone curved", according to LG. For the manufacturer, the smartphone offers indeed a better grip and a real immersion video besides This smart phone allow you to have any specific form.....( Always be special with Digitale Animes )
the phone will be released the end of this month.

                              Thank you for reading.......and have a nice day  

if you believe that CCleaner is the best program for computer cleaning, you can find who don't agree with you because there is a simulate program like Ccleaner but stronger than him. in this article i will talk about three program who do the same as Ccleaner, but not popular him.

Xcleaner simulate to Ccleaner

it's a free software who don't have a lot of difference between him and Ccleaner, plus is made in German
and have two version: one you can installed in you computer and other you can put it in your USB key and  carry it with you everywhere. otherwise Xcleaner is a great program able to delete all file who contribute to make you browser slow and also delete the temporary file on widows. so if you like it you can download it from here.

DriveTidy for the lover of small tools

The characteristic of this tool is not complicated from his simple interface, you just click Quick cleanup and you computer is cleaned very quickly, but it does not mean that you can not customized the tool, just click Show all option that enable to you to see the advanced setting in the program by allowing you to customize more. to download this program click Here.

Slimclaner fierce competitor for CCleaner

Slimcleaner program the recipient of several award is considered a powerful software to clean the computer, his able to speed up the response of your computer by delete all the file who contribute in making him slow, and it will speed up the takeoff of your computer. a powerful software who compete Ccleaner, you can visite the official website from Here.
            Based on gathering goods and Gold from other player online at the same time and all we know that the MMORPG's  are taking the the lead of the online plying, players are going to claim golds, Gems and glory so Ubisoft close here Fist in this opportunity and create the free to play MMORPG
                                                    The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot

about  the game :
    Yes it a wonderful game from Ubisoft and it free to play. In this game you are going to play with a warrior or a mage or a devil creature that you will have possibility to change at the current of the game....the main fact is growing up with your Kingdom and troops in order to get money and treasure from other players using physical attacks and hard traps that the other players will fail on......But you must also play on defensive by training your troops and upgrading tour Town 
....... the most beautiful thing in this game is the fact of playing with your friends in the same time and the same Town like this you will always keeping in touch with your troops and solders.

How To Get It :

  The complete version is not already released normally will be released in the last month of 2013 but players can now download the Alpha Version of the game from the this site  
                                         thank you for reading and have a nice day

        While the output of the next-gen consoles approaching, and the holiday season may you decide to buy a new machine PS4 or Xbox one so with Digitale Anime we are going to see the main Thing about the PS4 and after this we are going to see Xbox One ok!!!!!!!

The Design :
For its PlayStation 4, Sony has opted for a fundamentally different design of its big sister. Fairly compact, the machine is distinguished by two shades of lacquer and matte black, separated by a shining path that indicates when it is on. The hull features the shape of a parallelogram cut in two by a notch where are located the Blu-ray drive and USB ports.

The Controller : 
The Dual-shock 1 April New design brings many small changes. It features a more rounded shape, and a speaker built-in touch-pad  The Start and Select buttons have been replaced by Share and Options. It charges via micro-USB and its battery is non-removable. It displays a light strip that is used to distinguish the players and help the recognition of PS Eye. PlayStation Move for PS3 will be compatible with the PlayStation 4.

the ps4 eye :
The new camera now has two cameras with a resolution of 1200 x 800. It is also equipped with four microphones. the aspect ratio image is RAW or YUV.

The Hardware :
  • A processor instruction set x86-64 with 8 cores generation Jaguar and AMD Radeon graphics chip with 18 units calculations.
  • A unified memory (used by the CPU and GPU) 8 GB of GDDR5 with a bandwidth of 176 GB / s.
  • A GPU more or less equivalent to a Radeon HD 7870 (Power calculation = 1.84 TFlops).
  • Removable Hard Drive 500 GB.
  • A Blu-ray player 6 × CAV (capable of playing DVD 8 × CAV).
  • Standard Wi-Fi 802.11n and Bluetooth 2.1.

What's up with games :

     the Ps4 will have at the same time of the released date 16 games most important of this games is:
           NBA 2K14........Call of Duty : Gosts.......Need For Speed : Rivals.....FIFA 14..........Killzone : Shadow falls (only on PS4)........Knack (Only on PS4).......Assassin's Creed IV

in Conclusion :  The  Ps4 is a strong Machine that you Must buy it for you or for your family
                              If you want a new gen of game and new sensation only for 399  

                 Thank you for Reading Hope you like it Thank you .....And have a nice Day.

Perhaps you wanna make your own browser, and make him a nice name with an attractive colors and also an icon. but you can't program one. but the solution is here and always with Digitale Animes, you can make you own browser released depends on Google Chrome.

First just go to the website makeyourbrowser and click the blue button  Start now then choose your name browser and in the blank Upload your photo you can upload an Icon that will appear in your browser during the process. so i will recommend you to use Online Image to Icon who will convert your choosed image to an icon and then uploaded to the wen site makemybrowser. after finishing this steps click select bootmarks 
and continue.

now he will ask you to import the favorite of your current browser and put it in your new browser if you want that click import or just click Continue/Skip.

in the third step he will ask you if you want to add some pages to your browser, so i f you want to add just click Add a new bookmar you can add any website you like to make your browser easier to surf into it.
and you can also choose you home page in Select home page and i prefer Google :), then click Select Theme
here you will choose your theme for a new look.
and finally click upload and congratulation you have your own browser you can put it in forum, website, and make people to download it.
          There are some games which releases a strong aura, Which are grooves of cultural reference and awesome graphic work and high level of work
         Muramasa- The Demon Blade is an wonderful example probably already released on Wii the is now the game is announced now on ps vita but not an official date (sorry); this game is an beat'em all game in an universe in 2D filled of color, animation and special effect.
       the gamer will play with two protagonist : Kisuke and Momohime, they will pass all japan territory in order to fight Samurais ninja and other dark Devil with magical attacks and big large strike; the main quest is to found swords that have a special power .......
      Muramas the Demon blade is a beautiful game that i personally suggest to you for more fun
you can chek the news of muramasa the demon blade from  here  (the site is in japan translate it ;) )

           Hii evry one....
this our first poste and before  posting any poste we will show you what we will Upload in this Blog
so in This Blog is The same us our youtube channel (that you can see Here) but more Professional
     we will Upload ..:

  • Animes : trailer.....weekly event .....Hot shôen....weekly Jump.....daily famouse chapter
  • Tec      : revelation......Tec test......Global Review......Daily free App (Androide & IOS)
  • Games : trailer.....weekly Release.....Test..........Tips and cheat codes.


You can also look  our presentation in video on youtube

Hope you will like what we will upload in future............Thnak you for reading and have a nice day
( for any information comment and we will replay )