If games of the Call of Duty series worth foremost for their explosive solo modes and addictive multiplayer, unfortunately they do not shine by their graphics. The latest episode , CoD: Ghosts , suffering from an aging engine that was decried by many players . Fortunately, this is over.

You already know, sledghammer joined Infinity Ward and Treyarch on the list of developers of the saga , allowing time to create longer, for a more successful game theory . It is this new studio that will be released in this year 2014 next Call of Duty, which already looks like a small revolution graphically speaking .

Recently, Eric Hirshberg , CEO of Activision, stated that the game would be developed on the next-gen consoles, namely the PS4 and Xbox One to leverage the power of these new machines. Well there a few days on NeoGAF , the Famous more timer member, who has already proved its relationship with the studio participating in some information leaks , says that the graphics will be much better than Call of Duty: Ghosts:



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