when the Mecury Steam Entertainement said the first time that they will be in charge of the castlevania game all the world of gaming was a little surprised and did not expect much from it, but in the end the team was able to give a game with a great visual image long and catchy, and this success lead the them to make a second title that we will present you.
after the first catlevania our hero is no more then an old guy alone in his cathedral he become the shadow of him self, after his fight against Satan and the failure to bring his wife back Gabriel becomes crazy and isolated him self for rest of his eternity but his old friend Zobek came to him with a plan to bring back all his family.
    we used to knew Gabriel with his cross that he used to do almost everything now he use his mind to create a whip with his blood if we can say that, but in the middle of the game he will be able to use a sword and claw's.
     the game is a beat'em all no surprise on that side you are alone a mass of enemy attaque you, you survive, what you do every day.
     this second castlevania lord of shadow succeeded to give his promises it is a good game with all the spirit of a good old castlevania the universe is great beautiful the story catchy Gabriel is Gabriel like always the team was amazed with the game and gives it the mark  7,5/10 a nice mark for a nice game 

the good point of the game:
-great gameplay
-a camera who follow the game
-the songs are great
-the game and the story are catchy
-the game is long
the bad point of the game: 
 -the infiltration part's are not well made
-the game is to simple to play
-repetition kill the game



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