septembre 2014

  FIBDA 2014 was a great success awesome Otaku friends but it was also a big Cosplay event with Good Cosplayers and Costumes that really gived special sensation to those three days , Digital Animes had the chance to have the excellent Eva Cosplay in an elusive interview  where she told us about her passion for the cosplay and other things. 

Digital Anime : Good Morning How are you ? Well I introduce myself , I am from the team digital anime a blog specializing in Japanese culture ( Mangas / Anime ) & Video Games ....
Well we noticed you on your Facebook page where you post all your Cosplays ... but before every one knows you with the name Eva Cosplay but in reality who are you ?

Eva Cosplay : Well Good Morning too ; I am an algerian Girl who study French literature Level Master 2 at the beginning i made Story line but the truth I am fascinated by all that is creative and imaginative this why we could say that I have a side for cosplay.

DA : We also Notice from your facebook page that you have American BD Cosplay more than you have mangas & anime Cosplay , are you american BD ( marvel ) side than Mangas ? 

Eva : well real property to say it's just a coincidence I love making Anime Cosplay where we can see as an example Missa From Death Note Tiffa from Final Fantasy VII and i also like making BD american cosplay as an example Super Girl  Jubilee I want to add that comics cosplay has been suggested to me by Mr.captendo which is my main photographer , but the key of making Cosplays it's just appreciate the character and try to give the best in order to reflect the maximum of his personality that my technique. 

DA : can we see the cosplay of Bayonetta one day because it's my favorite character ? 

EVA : *laugh* well i thought to do it but i stoped , i stopped a lot of costumes we can say that sometimes it's a bit complicated to end a cosplay because of the character that changes his mentality in the middle of the scenario or a game , it doesn't help me a lot because when we do a cosplay we can't just do a part of the character if we could we do all the character But for Bayonetta i must play the game before in order to understand to perform the costume very well well.

DA : You said on your facebook page that today you are on off mode it means no cosplay just dedication of ' Alive ' can you tell us more ? 

EVA : yes that absolutely true yesterday i was with the Jubilee Costume and today i am on off mode for a dedication of ' Alive ' and Meeting with my fans and subscribes but tommorow i will be with the costume of Storm. 

DA : Well for the last question we on Digital anime team we have 4 questions we ask to every one we call it 4 about my univers So shall we begin ? 

EVA : Yes , go on !! 

DA : Facebook or Twitter ? 

EVA : Facebook !

DA : Anime Lover or Gamer Girl ?

EVA : well Anime Lover more than Gamer but it doesn't mean that i don't play video games i just watch animes more than i play video games.

DA : You Favorite Anime & Video Game ? 

EVA : For the Anime i really like samurai champloo, ghost hunt, monster but for video games i have a little crash for Okami beacause it beautiful and creative also like devil Kings on Ps2 know in japan as Sengoku Basara. 

DA : your greatest achievement on cosplays ? 

EVA : here it's a little tricky to choose we could say that i really like the Jubilee one also the costume of Sonic even if it not a cosplay it just an uniform more that it a cosplay but that of I'm really proud is Ling Xiaoyu because at the beginning i said it very dificult to do this one it an asiatique Cosplay but at the end when i finish the work I appreciated what i did and i was really amazed and it still my best one. 

DA : Last Words for peoples who likes Doing cosplay and don't have the right conviction to continue ? 

EVA : Well only one thing do not give up do not give up do not give up that all. 

DA : Well thanks a lot Miss Eva for giving us this opportunity to have this conversation with you that was awesome and Good luck !! 

EVA : thanks to you too and good luck with your blog and your dreams have a nice day too.

So that was a good time talking to this super nice beautiful and adorable Cosplyer who did a good job do not forget to like her Facebook page she is very active and don't use her pictures it protected by her Copyright any use of this article or her pictures will be tolerate as a violation of copyright.

Credit :
Digitale Anime Don't own the Copyright of the Pictures ( except the picture of storm ) on this article Pictures were taken from the page Eva Cosplay Shooted By : Captendo Channel & Mehdi Drew 

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  In our adventure in the FIBDA 2014 Algeria we had the chance to meet great people to see great cosplayers and to enjoy every second we passed their, one of our best moment was the meeting with one of the oldest otaku gamer of our country LINK CAPTENDO , this men is well known in our country and he is very respected by all the otaku and gamer in this country.
    Captendo was very nice to give us some of his time for a little meeting,
in fact he was really busy with taking the event pictures, pictures of each cosplayer because he was one of jury of the best cosplayer 2014, like we said we had the chance to have a meeting with so before we talk about this let's make a little introduction for this men.
    Captendo the name is Idir Ihamichene an old anime lover and one of the rare old Generation gamer and he is still watching animes and playing games, he studied in the School of Fine Arts, worked in the animation in the animation studio of Alger Algeria he also did lot of story board, publicity conception and advertising spots he also work as an illustrator, when we spoke with him he expressed his ambition to enter the world of cinematography in fact he has some courmitrage in preparation, and on the top of all that he also wanted to begin a career in the web show universes which guide us to his you tube channel the Captendo channel.
     The captendo channel was created in 2009 by captendo him self so it's the official channel when we asked him about his channel and his goal he said {{ I originally created this channel to show my work to peoples, because when they ask me about my work it is the easiest way to show them directly my work }} 
when we took a look to his channel we noticed two things:

-1st yes he show his work in the channel 
-2nd lately he begins to speak about animes and games sometimes he criticize them and sometimes he just speaks about what he like, so when asked him about the second part of the channel he said {{ in the start i just talked about what i think and i was not waiting to have that much return back from the fans even if it is still modest i was really touched and thats way i continued in this road }} we also asked him what his goal with this second part of the channel he said {{ like i said i actually made this channel to show my work this second part was original made to have a maximum of fun and it was a new experience for me, and i really like you tube it the place where you can be yourself and be very independent, i can speak what i want where i want so this is the real goal }}
    We piked two videos from his channels one he criticizes the death note the other one he criticizes shinjiki no kyojine  when we asked him what are the criterion that he follow to criticize an anime he said {{ i noticed that people when they criticize an anime they do it via the comparision with another anime like Naruto VS one piece or they do it via the anime it self but the way i do it is that i use universal cinaristique criterion and this is what i want people to understand a good scenario in an anime can be compared to a good one in a movie }} we also noticed that he speaks in his channel about games an give his view point like the zelda video that i really liked and i have the same opinion us him for this game
      When we asked what was the first anime that made him follow this road he said {{ i don't really remember an anime in particularly i really remember an era more then an anime and this is what i spoke about it in my first video }} 
      We also asked him what is his best anime he said {{ i have two the incomparable Akira and my favorite anime is Ken le survivent ( Hokuto no Ken) }}
     When we asked him what is his best game he said {{ i don't have a particular game i
just play everything that propose to me a new original unique universe, but i have a special like for the license capcome and nintendo and that's where is my nickname is from captendo 
cap= capcom     
tendo=nintendo }}
      And then we made him do a little quiz that we call it digital family, the quiz is that we ask 3 question and he must give a quick answer so: 
we asked facebook or twitter? he said {{ facebook }} 
we asked anime or game which do you like the most? he said {{ neither one nor the other }}
we asked what is you creation that you are most proud of ? he said {{ it would be  Karkindi but it not out yet but the trailer is out }} 
      At last we asked him what advice can he give to the once who want to begin a Carrier on you tube he said {{ if you go on you tube enjoy it don't copy the other make something that you want to do something you want to speak about be us much independent and natural us you can make simple enjoy it }}
      Meeting captendo was a great chance & experience and it was fun we thank him for the time he gave to us and the help he gave so we can cover our first event we will make it simple us he said: thank you IDIR.    

     you can follow Captendo on his Facebook or his Page or his You tube channel just click in the links

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  Hello guys, the FIBDA 2014 Algeria do you knew, did you hear about, it did you miss, did you want to be their, no worry's digitale anime always think about you and here we made it a small video of the best momment we lived their you will see what we saw and feel what we felt day and night here it is the FIBDA 2014 Algeria enjoy

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     So today is a special post for the FIBDA the (Festivale International De La Bande Dessinée D'Alger) it was orgonized with the collaboration of the Edition Z-link and The ONDA (Office National Des Droits D'auteurs Et Droits Voisins), this event take place in Algeria since 2008 and each year it became more and more famous, this year we had the chance to be their and we took pictures and asked people what they think about it we spoke to the organizations and the workers their and here is what we have.
Z-link team on the work
 This year event gathered a lot of great teams and good stuff all for the joy of the Algerian otaku's
Laabstore magazine
    First of all we will speak about the Z-link of cores because they are the once who organized the event they had the most favorable place it is only natural they organized the cosplay tournament and they proposed a lot of things to sell like the Algerian BD (samy-kun, houma fightern,loundha, la revolution, victory....)  and Laabstore their official magazine who by the way has a great success and most of stock marked (out of stock)
even theif main character work with Z-link

in the first day they also proposed lot of otaku goodies to sell, the main attraction was the cosplay tournament of cores and those where the rules:

Cosplay contest FIBDA - Z-LINK - ONDA :
   The cosplay competition will be held this Friday, September 26th at the esplanade of Riadh El Feth at 18 o'clock
   All applicants are asked to arrive 17 o'clock at the Z-LINK standee to register.

   To take part, Register for free at the Z-LINK booth at the International Festival of Comics FIBDA Algiers. Will be photographed dressed in costume and perform a scene (as original as possible) in the space that will be dedicated to him, when FIBDA 2014.

    A jury of cartoonists, artists and enthusiasts BD decide between the candidates.
The jury of the cosplay tournament  
    The selection criteria are:

1 - The quality of the costume (the details will decide the most deserving)

2 - Involvement and originality of gesture and attitude of the candidate.

3 - The originality of the staging.

    The jury will also consider positive values ​​expressed by the costume and character: generosity, friendship, solidarity, spirit of exchange ...
    The candidate (s) should not appear in a suit already used in a previous Cosplay Z-LINK or FIBDA.
Several prizes will be awarded in the following categories:
- Best Cosplay: ONDA 100 000 DA
- Best Costume: 80 000 DA
- Best Cosplay group: 80 000 DA
- Best Cosplay humor: 60000 DA
- Best Cosplay Algeria: 50,000 DA
the winners of the cosplay tournament will be announced later

    Now for the other team a standee of Kaza Edition was in the party they did a lot of dedication and presented BD's of all type, in the same place we had the chance to meet Eva cosplay very famous in Algeria, like the name here spatiality is the cosplay she can made any or almost any anime movie game character alive meeting here was great honor and joy for us and for the fans who did not miss the chance to take pictures with here, and all we can say she did not take it easy on the event she made a cosplay for each day, she announced it on her facebook page and here is the announce :
Eva cosplay with the storm cosplay 

Hola! I'll be at this year FIBDA goal I will not participate way to the contest, it Will Be Especially to decompress and meet friends there for work purpose aussi:program:Wednesday: JubileeThursday: (dedication "Alive") (that mean's no cosplay the true one :p)Friday: StormSaturday: Ling XiaoyuI thing the Easiest suit to wear for the eventWe'll do a lot of cool sefies! so do not forget to come!so if you want to come say hello, talk cosplay or BD, please go to stand Kaza edition (I'll be there during those 4 days) * _ *

  All the fan that we asked said (that they really loved every cosplay she made, and meeting her was great experience, and here energy and joy made the event more and more cooler)

    For rest of the event we 

visited the DEFALI edition it is a great stande with all the creation of Defali great board where exposed on them the assassin's creed BD and other once wish will the fan's certainly recognize

   A standee was given the Steelseries Team who presented the electronic stuff of the series.

    A workshop was specially made with the name '(Atelier war hadja) for the fan's to draw everything they want and their where

  teachers to give them tips and guide the once who wanted to perfect their drawing technique, we did not have the chance to draw a thing the board was full the first day we where like o_O''  And the top of the top the thing i personaly enjoyed was the library it was great one with all the BD of anime's of all sort (fairy tail, naruto,bleach,death note, walking dead,marvels,.....) a lot of BD's that naming all of them will take a hole page.

The admin Zak Zico in the middle of the work 



   For the guest's we did not had the chance to meet them all neither to speak with them it is due to the authority that was given to us which we can say it was 20% of all the event but it was cool we think that it was a great experience to us especially that it is the first event we covered so we are still happy.

    At the same time of the event and the cosplay show a different event happened we can call it an event it was a a shooting show for a video made by Link Captendo he announced it on an event page on facebook (tournage d'une cosplay vodeo a Alger)the announce was :

    ((within the cosplay contest organized by Z-link Laabstore during FIBDA 2014 Captendo Channel conduct a cosplay video!
    The time has come for the cosplayers and cosplayers Algerian  have a video that unites them all in their best day! will be present to take photos for cosplayers and cosplayers who wish))

Link captendo

Captendo in the middle of the shooting video 

    A special post will be done later specially for Captendo and an other one specially for eva cosply to the once who are interested, so be patient guys
When the boss speak every one listen
 Now at last but not at less the pictures of the contenders to the title of the best cosply FIBDA 2014 Algeria:
Assassin's creed cosplay (by the way thats me with the gun) :p

Elusive Digital Animes Photo Shot With the Copsplay of Ac 4

Death Kid cosplay soul eater 

The mysterious shinigami 
Gohan VS meca friza

Gundam Algeria

The ghost buster

The anouenne duelist 

Hollow ichigo 

Razim the walking death 

Jack sparrow came to algeria XD

Ahlem Uchiha 

luffy beaten by the mysterious ninja 

The Algerian Law 

Link VS Link we don't knew why but it did happen 

Ezio VS Edward 

Even the walking death must take a break 

stein sensei 

eden pierce 


the double luffy's 

you cant see him never 

sims & the unknown cosplay 

atmen aliwat

the batman 

The gundam 

This is a Digital Anime Video / Photo shot the use of this video / Photo With out permission Will Be tolerated us a Violation Of Copy Right

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