février 2015

     At some point i told my self that this game was dead but hopefully i was wrong Dragon Quest Heroes will arrive this year on European and North American PlayStation 4 consoles.

    Designed by Chrono Trigger and Dragon Quest artist Akira Toriyama, this action role-playing game is in development at Omega Force. The Tecmo Koei studio is perhaps best known for its work in the Dynasty Warriors series, from which Dragon Quest Heroes takes its inspiration. When it arrives this year, Dragon Quest Heroes will include a cast of returning characters from the Dragon Quest series.

    Square Enix and Tecmo Koei revealed the game last September at the Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Asia press conference, where they also unveiled a Metal Slime edition PS4. In Asia, Dragon Quest Heroes is also available on PlayStation 3.

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  After a great game and great success and a great impression that this game made in the game universe and after much teasing, Bethesda Softworks has finally shone some light on The Assignment, the first DLC release for The Evil Within, and to make things better a launch date was announced and for you just for you a gameplay trailer.

This time the focus of the game is around  Detective Juli Kidman, partner of the hero Sebastian Castellanos.
 Bethesda explained. "Introducing new enemies and gameplay tactics, The Assignment sets the stage for the concluding chapter of Kidman’s Adventure, The Consequence, releasing later this Spring."

The promise of more stealth might put some players off, but with any luck it will add some needed depth and tension to the game: As we noted in our review, The Evil Within does put up a genuine survival-horror challenge, but it "relies on gross-out rather than real fear" for its thrills. The Assignment will be included with The Evil Within season pass, and will also be available separately for $10. it will be on Steam on March 10.

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     Fable Legends the game that made so many fan's over the years will be free-to-play us it was announced by Lionhead Studios, but this time it will look like league of legends.

     In this free to play fable version you'll always have access to four free heroes, this lineup of heroes will rotate through the full roster at regular intervals, giving players access to new characters and locking old ones up again. All of your progress with any given hero will remain until the next time it enters the rotation, or until you decide to buy it with earned Silver or purchased Gold, you'll also be able to spend Silver or Gold on customization options for your character, ranging from new gear to new outfits and faces. Some outfits will require a cash purchase, but Lionhead says all gameplay-affecting items can be unlocked simply through playing the game. You'll find plenty of treasure in the course of your adventures.

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    Final Fantasy fan's will be pleased because Square Enix and mobile developer DeNA are bringing Final Fantasy: Record Keeper the free-to-play Android and iOS game that mashes up multiple Final Fantasy games into one this spring.

     In Japan Final Fantasy: Record Keeper was released last September. The game features well-known the charachters are all in retro-pixelated style, The game-spanning tale is held together by an original story that focuses on a character named Deci who can visit various Final Fantasy worlds through magical paintings.

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     I really grow tired from announcing this every time but what to we have to provide you with all the information we have, GTA 5 has been delayed again planed to be out the March 24 ( was announced in the last delay) now it will be out the April 14 according to a new update on Rockstar's Newswire. 

     The rockstar's team said "Our apologies to PC gamers worldwide who have been counting down the days until the launch of the game," says the official statement, "but a bit more time is needed to ensure that the game is as polished as possible, and to make certain that both Heists and the GTA Online experience are ready to roll out on day one for PC.""As always, we ask for the GTA PC community’s understanding and assistance in helping to report any concerns during the early days of launch when those inevitable initial teething issues arise on the new platform."

     So this it another delay with another apologies message this will be though for the PC gamers and especially for the once who are waiting for definitive edition, any way April 14 we will see will it be another delay or the game release.   

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    This game was announced last year by bossa studio and when it was the studio did not give big talks or stuff they just announced that the project is on the way, but as time passes the project looks to be a focus for the I Am Bread studio. 

    Many of the project's initial hurdles have been cleared, but there are many to come. "A lot of what we’re trying to do has never been done before, and all conventional wisdom tells us to turn back, so there’s a non-zero possibility some things just can’t be achieved. "However, we've worked through most limitations we've come across so far, and we’re rather foolish people, so we’re confident we can knock down the rest—one at a time."

     Meanwhile, Bossa has given some information on what you'll be doing in Worlds Adrift when you're not leaping blindly from cliffs and, building gargantuan airships.
    The game is Set in a persistent open world, and it has no explicit goals: there will be no quests, no NPCs, no levelling and no events. This means you can do whatever you want when you want .

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     When you are a gamer some times you need a small game or a puzzle game to relax from all those noisy and brightly FPS or FIFA or the other big games we knew and Clockwork is another funky steam  game to add to the list. 
It's the new game from Sydney-based studio Gamesoft.

    The game is set in the mechanical city of Watchtower, after a plague which all but destroyed the population. The city is divided into slums below and high-class towers above, and its survivors take refuge inside its walls.

    Clockwork's two central characters are a boy named Atto  and his companion Milli, who gives him the ability to clone himself. 

    Till now this all we have but don't worry will keep ya updated like always.

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    Not a big deal we used to it by now Project Cars has been delayed into April, Games it was announced today by  Bandai Namco .

    And this time In North America, the Windows PC version will be launched this April 2 on Steam, while the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions will be available April 7. In Europe, the game will be released April 2 on all three platforms.

    This new delay resulted from "final adjustments in the game that are required to provide fans with the best gaming experience they can have," said Bandai Namco in a press release.

    "Moving the release date was not an easy decision to make, as we know our fans are eager to get their hands-on on Project Cars," said Ian Bell, studio head at Slightly Mad. "But we know that these extra days will allow us to provide the best game experience that our fans deserve. We assure you the wait will be worth it when the game does arrive early April."

But you can see the Beta test over here if you wanna see how the game look like 

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     New patch for Assassin's Creed Unity don't even remember how many time i said that any way, this patch unlocks game content previously walled behind a companion mobile app and the Assassin's Creed Initiates website. 

    The developer said "will be unlocking all content exclusive to Initiates and the Companion App, including both blue and gold chests," and in a live update ubisoft said "Players can still progress on the Companion App, they just will no longer be required to complete content to unlock in-game chests."

     Some content was also locked behind the Assassin's Creed Initiates website. When the developer put that website into "a continued state of maintenance" at Christmas, Ubisoft unlocked that content to all online players.   

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     Yo guys, after two weeks of absence we are back with a new okaito speaking a special one if we can say, why ? because it's an episode fusion between anime and gaming yes hard to imagine but true.

    So in this episode we will speak about POKEMON, but not as an anime or a game, we will revel to you secrets that you probably didn't knew about the anime and the game.
  It's a new style of okaito speaking we are trying here, if you like it share it with us so we will continue on this way, and don't forget to help us with by your shares ,comments and likes, and if you like this video tell us so we will make another one with other secrets.

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    After the rumors and the information about sony abandoning the project the last gradient  the firm told all the world via web site Gamespot that “we can confirm that the Last Guardian is still in development,” and this is it no further information no explanation no nothing. 

    This comes as response to the rumors that started days ago the same rumors that we wrote about yesterday and we discovered that the trademark in the US has not been renewed.

    This information will make the fan's happy but in the same time we don't knew the truth sooo all we can do now is to wait for the E3 to see something solid. 

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    Sony officially abandoned the game The Last Guardian. it is always like this with great games this game was supposed to be the 3rd part of the legendary series ICO & SHADOW OF THE COLOSUS and the problem was that The company did not renew its rights to the name and because of that the brand is no longer your property.

    The Last Guardian is an old project a very old one Sony still wanted to release it for the PlayStation 3, but this kind of problem made them always push the release even farther in time. in 2009, the project took off sighs and hopes the players. To date the announcement trailer impresses.

    but lets be clear abondoning the project does not mean it is canceled, we still hope that all the problem will be solved and the preject will be back on track.

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    I don't remember where i hear it last time but they said "dying light is one of the hardest games ever" so what do you think of a hardest game with a hard mode looks like it will turn to a nightmare.

   When the sun sets in the city, you-have to sneak around to Avoid the zombies - but if you die, you just get back to a safe houseand you jus t have to wait or kip their and tadaaaaa magic it is day again not very interesting and not logic.

    In this new mode it is said that the enemy's will be more hard to beat more intelligent and more vicious.

    The patch Will Be out at the start of March, , and It Will add a Few new outfits .

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     The GDC is around the corner and the big video game industry  are preparing them selves, but wait do you knew what is the GDC?? it is one of the biggest event of video games for profesional  industry the GAME DEVELOPER CONFERENCE, every industry try to make a great impact in this event and Microsoft did not make an exception in this event.

    Phil Spencer Will give a talk on Microsoft gaming, the Xbox app for Windows 10 and Xbox Live.

    Microsoft Will sponsore 16 sessions with a focus on DirectX 12, Windows 10 gaming and of course Developing for the Xbox One.

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      So guys i think that you are familiar with the name Just cause, if you did like the open world the action the explosion the jumps from high places you did play just cause 1 & 2 be happy because just cause 3 is on the way to you and today we have a trailer.

     From this new trailer we saw new changes like Rico's grappling hook can now catch three objects together, with the power to adjust how tense or slack the tether, you can now call in supply drops as Many times as you want, Rico now has infinite C4 .

    If you really are exited like me for this game so prepare your self because Just Cause 3 will be out "holiday 2015".

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    Yo guys new week new video new top 10 this time it is the top 10 saddest anime deaths, try not to cry and don't thank us it is our pleasure to make you remember the saddest and painful deaths in anime world so enjoy the video share it like it subscribe leave your impressions and thank you for your trust.

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    It been a while since we Announced that their will be a second season Of project K , and today we have a confirmation the 2nd season will probably be in October.

     We also have a video to show and their will be some changes in series:

  • Authors: Gora x GoHands
  • Director + character design: Shingo Suzuki (who had directed the first season and the film K: Missing Kings)
  • Studio: GoHands

     Till now those are all the major info's we have but don't worry we will keep you update like always.

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      Last time we heard form Tekken 7 it was on November: if i recall we spoke about the arrival in Japan the new characters and other stuff you can check those information in our previous posts. 

      This time we have the official opening of the game and all we can say it look great, it look like the story of kazuya will be revealed and the fights will be more intense.

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Alors que le 9éme art commence a prendre place en algérie au prêt des jeunes, l'association Dir Event organise pour la première fois à Bejaia un événement consacré au 9eme art, en d’autre terme La bande dessiné sous le slogan de " Bougie en Bulle " le 27 et 28 Mars 2015 a l'hôtel les Hammadites 

Un événement qui va être charger d'invité et surtout les bédéistes professionnels et les différentes maisons d’édition ainsi que les amateurs qui viendront exposer leurs travaux, puis en seconds lieu les indispensables acteurs de la bande dessinée en commençant par les graphistes, les imprimeurs, les auteurs et des invités étranger passionné par l'univers de la bande dessiné. éventuellement un concours dessin dans le but de récompenser les meilleurs, des cadeaux et de belles sommes sont à la clé, il aura aussi des stands de vente de figurine porte clé et divers goodies pour le public passionné par la culture de la BD et la J-pop , et plain d'autre surprise a découvrir lors de ces 2 jours ( le 27/28 mars

Le bute de cet événement sera la porte qui ouvrira vers la création d'une nouvelle  maison d'édition a Bejaia qui aura comme objectif  "se donne les moyens et le temps de dénicher les meilleurs car elle vise à changer la qualité et l’image de la bande dessinée algérienne mais surtout le bédéiste BEJAOUI "

Un événement qui va faire parler de lui a long terme et qui ne sera que du bon moment de partage et de d'itéré vous pouvez aussi consulter l'intégralité du revue de presse a propos de l'événement ICI

restez connecter sur l'actualité de l'événement on le suivant sur les pages et réseaux sociaux :
Bougie en Bulle  aussi la page du concoure de dessin : Le concours de La BD 

et pour d'éventuelle questions veillez SVP laisser un message dans comment Box suivants 

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   Hitman Tribute is a series of missions designed in tribute to the Hitman series. 

   You're placed in a small and public area, and asked to sneak into an off-limits sector of the map to take out a number of targets. 

   You can find dead drops containing weapons, use poisonous injections to silently take down a guard, steal clothes and hide bodies, and arrange an "accident" for your quarry.

   There are some really good objectives. At the same time, it's super hard, Partly that's because Hitman's social stealth can be generally quite difficult to read, but also because these Arma missions are pretty rough around the edges. 

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It's a survival horror of sorts set in a mansion drenched in shadow, your only ally being the a shaft of light barely illuminating your surroundings

  Set in the 1930s, OSome Studio's striking game starts with your character surviving a near-fatal car crash, one that leaves him stranded near a  mansion. 

  It's a narrative-driven puzzler,but still it is inspired by the original survival horror.
  The game was inspired from the movie noir, fantastic literature, and "the threatening perspectives of German expressionism".

   In the official web site it is said "In order to survive this long night, the player will have to solve puzzles based on the use of light. His safety will depend on the different light sources scattered all around the manor. Some will be fragile, while the most powerful will take efforts to be reached... But if darkness is active and lethal, a mysterious presence will also enlighten the night."

    White Night is releasing for Xbox One on March 6th, as a download title. 

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    Pc gamers are still waiting for GT5 on pc which the release date has recently been extended until March 24, Rockstar Games, has just made an announcement about his successor, yeah seems like they will not wait for them. 

        In an interview with Develop-online, Leslie Benzies, President of Rockstar North studio, announced that the next title in the license was already underway.

       He also announces: "We still have 45 ideas to exploit We do not know what GTA 6 will be, but we already have some ideas, but the first question is..? Where will it happen, You do different things in LA, New York or Miami. the card and the story are drawn together. "Without more information about the title, and already one can already imagine an exit on next-gen consoles and PC. Given the success of GTA 5 and knowing the past of the license, it was obvious that the game would have a sequel, but the news still has something for the fans. The question is how Rockstar will manage to surpass GTA 5. ? 

Tell us your opinion and idea on the comment Box Bellow  

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   MOBA is one the game type most played in our times but when we take a closer look most players don't make a difference between a MOBA and a MMORPG, recently i tested DOTA 2 and i have some points to show that can prouve that dota 2 may not be a MOBA.  
  Playing dota 2 for me is just for resershe not that i like MOBA's and certenly not that i like DOTA and league of legends and their company games. It's that simple. 
first i was not that hot to make this post but some guys some where insisted so i had no choice but to give it a try, because i am not a great specialist of the gender i asked the pro for help, and thankfully i had a great and professional one. 

  The origin of this post is a video that i posted weeks a go when i made a mistake and called Dota and League of legends MMORPG of cores the fan's of this two did not misse the chance to strike me xD and here i am now asking my self why people like those games ?. 

  I started with Dota 2. And I find this way of structuring the game deeply off putting.
When I finally understood what Dota was, I understood it in terms of steady personal growth along two skill axes The game was a vast open resource, a complicated web of characters, skills, items and contradictions, something I traced a different course through every time I played. Understanding every character seemed paramount, so I tested every character, I picked a path through the roster and This is how I ended up as such a generalist player, with no particular role or hero, In others ways, it has helped—particularly when it comes to drafting.
In Heroes, characters are unlocked with in-game gold or real cash. They cost different amounts and new characters tend to cost more. You can complete daily quests to earn extra gold, but you're still looking at a substantial grind to unlock everything. Beyond that, each character must be leveled up through play to gain access to the full range of passive traits—Heroes' equivalent to Dota 2's items.

I magine if Valve adopted the same model for Dota 2. Let's say that the full hero pool was still technically free, but you needed to unlock new characters with in-game experience. Let's say that after you unlocked Juggernaut, you were restricted to a 'newbie-friendly' set of items—Phase Boots, Vladimir's Offering, Desolator. After three games you unlock the right to build Power Treads, Aghanim's Scepter, and Mjollnir. This would likely make for a more manageable experience for new players. It would, however, turn Dota 2 into a different type of game.

  Not a worse game, necessarily! This is not a qualitative judgment, but a question of design. Bumping into Heroes' pay wall—seeing a hero I don't understand, wanting to test it against other players and being unable to do so—has made me starkly aware of how philosophically different these games can be from one another Heroes of the Storm sets out to be entertainment, and it is entertaining in a way that an MMO is entertaining. You level up and get new stuff. You always have something tangible to work towards. You are encouraged to invest deep in a single character, a favorite, and worry about the others only if it suits you.

This is anathema to how Dota 2 is best learned. In the Dota 2 community, serious novices set off on the A-Z challenge and decry pub players who lock Budge every game. Breadth is valued, graft is valued, because the game is work. And it's not work that returns an easy reward, either—getting better at the game is noted by an incremental bump to your win rate, not with a whole new character to play.

  In these circumstances, Smite offered a 'pay once' option—a generous way to circumvent its god-purchasing system with a single £30 purchase that unlocked everything, forever. If Hi-Rez didn't provide that option, I don't think I'd be playing the game. Because it has this option, Smite occupies a weird position between both sub-genres. When you download it, it's a game in the League of Legends tradition. If you buy the Ultimate God Pack, it becomes Dota 2.

I've long argued that comparing these games is unhelpful. What I'm considering, now, is whether it'd be more useful to think of Dota 2 and League of Legends as occupying different conceptual spaces entirely. That argument would go: Dota 2 is characterized by an overwhelming plurality of things to learn. League is defined by a process of personalization and selection, both in terms of character choice and in terms of MMO-style progression through the summoner system. These two divergent threads only recombine at the very highest level of play. For everybody else, these may as well be different genres. Neither is better, necessarily, but the division highlights the deep influence that business models have on the types of games we receive.

Hope you understand why i told you on the video that they were MMO and if you have any Comment or Idea please fill free to tell us on the comment Box Bellow 

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   After announcing a second season, Weekly Shonen Jump gives us new information about the series, this time in it's latest edition published Monday. It's learned that the first Haikyuu season !! would be adapted to film, as part of the "Haikyū !! Itadaki Project 2015 ".

  The magazine also warns that "a large-scale event" related to manga will take place this summer. Further announcements are expected in the future to better inform us on this event and the exact contents of the "Haikyū !! Itadaki Project 2015 ".

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   Persona 3 RPG fan's will recognize this name mills away, a great game with a great gamplay and a great story finally with a great movie adaptation, the part 1 & 2 are already out we still wait for the third one and today we have a news my friends.
   The official website for the film Persona 3 made an announcement for the presentation date of the Movie #3 Persona 3  Falling Down.
   The film will be introduced in Japan in the fourth week of April.

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  With the next season of shingeki No Kyojin still far away and the part one of the movie still far too we don't have any choice but to wait for the OVA's and yet we have this news, i don't knew if it's a good or bad one i will leave it up to you to decide.
 KODANSHA began with a promo video for the episode of the second and final OVA of Attack on Titan: No Regrets
Shingeki no Kyojin Gaiden: Kuinaki Sentaku
On Tuesday, the releas date is planned to be the April 9.
 So it's the last ova of this series so tell us is it a bad or a good news.?? leave a comment bellow 

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   With the new battlefield hardline coming soon it's no surprise to see the system requirements on the Internet and we can tell you for sure it will not be a problem to play it for most players around the world at least on minimum requirements.

   Minimum requirements:

  • Intel CPU: core i3-2100T 2.5GHZ
  • AMD CPU: Athlon II X2 240 
  • Nvidia GPU: GeForce GTX 260 
  • AMD GPU: Radeon HD 5770 1024MB 
  • RAM: 4GB 
  • OS: Win Vista 64
  • Direct X 11
  • HDD space 60 GB 

   Normal requirements:

  • Intel CPU: Core 2 quad Q6400 2.13 GHZ 
  • AMD CPU: Phenom 9500 quad-core
  • Nvidia GPU: GeForce GTX 650 1GB
  • AMD GPU: Radeon HD 6790
  • RAM: 6GB
  • OS: Win 7 64
  • Direct X 11
  • HDD space 30 GB

   Recommended requirements :

  • Intel CPU: Core 2 quad Q9500 2.83GHZ
  • AMD CPU: Phenom II X6 1045T
  • Nvidia GPU: GeForce GTX 760
  • AMD GPU: Radeon R9 290
  • RAM: 8GB
  • OS: Win 8 64
  • Direct X 11
  • HDD space 60 GB 

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