mai 2015

   Yo guy's the come back of the series okaito speaking is today, and how better subject to speak about then assassin's creed unity especially that the new assassin's creed syndicate was announced. 

   What did we like what did we not, all our impressions are in this video hope you'll like it if so don't forget to like and comment if you are new fell free to subscribe it's free and will be for ever.

Please Don't forget to drope a comment and a like since we really need your support and by the way if you like what we are doing don't forget to subscribe :D and have a nice day 

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  In the world of creation and edition their two kinds of people, the pro and the once waiting for a chance to make their first step, and the world of drawing make no exception and we had the chance to meet with a young men a designer a talented one if i may say, and like always we did not lose the chance to make an interview with him.
    The name of this designer is HADDOUCHE amazigh a 20 years old one who lives in: Adekar wilaya of Bejaia,Algeria and like he said ( I am a child of nature and not polluted cities and boiling (° - ^) and I love Japanese culture) first thing first our friend wanted to say something and we gave him the chance to do so 

HADDOUCHE: I am delighted to make the acquaintance of Otaku Algeria because to be quite frank I did not believe there was that much people of interest in the matter (manga ... Etc.) Continue to do your work as it must be done and make it more again and again.

    Meeting such a dynamic person like that make us love our work more and more every time, so lets start our interview to present you HADDOUCHE Amazigh.

 Digital animes: when did you start drawing, and did you follow a formation or any academic studies in the matter?

HADDOUCHE: I would say i started at 10 or 9 years I don't remember, I was in primary school.
-did I follow training in drawing or art that I studied in the university or other? :

  Hhheu NO .. ^^ I learned to draw by myself just by passion and pleasure (it is a bit thanks to my mother drawing in our familiarly is in the blood)

Digital animes: do you have a specific drawing style a technique if so what's the name of this one, and what are the steps of your drawings?

HADDOUCHE: My drawing style? I don't know really have a specific one BUT IF I would say that my style is more in the finesse and details as (I
like it) as BLEACH that's my style, technical and steps to MY drawing?: I never followed step drawing too much, until I started drawing storyboards for my history! (My Manga) for me drawing this direction is freely draws freely with our ability instinctively accumulated (automatically) after so many years of drawing for the drawing Voyer? You knew more you draw more you are improving !!. (and no I'm not like the once who Designed Templates by putting patterns and it's not directly calculated for me)

Digital animes: how did you chose to draw like this?

HADDOUCHE:  i was inspired of all the manga and anime that I love(I think we all tried at least once to draw
his favourite manga!)

Digital animes: have you been inspired by a particular designer? if yes who?

HADDOUCHE: Yes a lot of them inspired me first (AKIRA TORIYAMA) the creator of DBZ thanks to him I started to draw and now I am with an acceptable level of drawing. Then DEATH NOTE that my open to realistic drawing and detailed I like (output of DBZ drawing shapes Square)
But one who really really inspired me is Mister 'TITE KUBO'; he always inspires me more and more now it is with the toms BLEACH gift in my possession I am inspired coat special affects and carvings and drawings of technical stories ... but not because I insist that a true mangaka must have own STORY!

Digital animes: do you drawing anything else beside mangas?

HADDOUCHE: The other thing I could draw manga such as:
-Of decorated / landscapes / real characters (but I do not like for my chosen field is the manga!)

Digital animes: what is your favourite manga? and do you play video games? if so what is your favourite game?

HADDOUCHE: My favorite manga in terms of design;
I already noticed is I believe is: BLEACH / DEATH NOTE / Zetman / Kuroko's Basketball ... ..

Of course !! I like Japanese games on Sony PS as: KINGDOM HEARTS /F.FANTASY/TEKKEN/DMC...Etc.

Digital animes: do you want to make it to the pro level with your drawing as a mangaka or to integrate a creation home edition?

HADDOUCHE: I believe that this is the goal and the dream of every silk designers some level, Me my dream
real not to include a creation home runs but more far '' WHAT I WANT IS TO SEE MY MANGA ADAPTED IN TELEVISION ANIME !!!!!!!!! (*. *) ''

Digital animes: are you more otaku or a gamer?

grave otaku

    So this is it all you have to knew about the designer HADDOUCHE we hope that you like the presentation and his answers and and don't  forget to share because like this it will give him the chance to promote his work and why not see his manga adapted in television.

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   Another interview on our series before the last one we present you this time EVA COSPLAY a cosplayer,Mangaka and the only girl in our interviews, so we let you enjoy our guest and let you learn more about here we hope that you will like the video don't forget to comment and share video. 

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   Five minutes ago we were watching the word wild announcement made by ubisoft about the new assassin's creed, and first thing the new assassin's name is not victory but syndicate, in this post we will tell you all what you have to knew about this game.

   The new assassin's creed will take place in London and the first thing you have to knew is that you will play with two characters Evie & Jacob you cane switch between the two of them any time you want in the exploration part of the game, you will play 75% of the game mission with Jacob and 25% with Evie, second thing the game will not have a multiplayer option like assassin's creed unity, third the story of the game is no longer about religion and clan's we are at London the in a world more developed then the previous assassin's you cant walk around with swords and you cant do what ever you want their are rules, so the major story of the game is about money, about how the rich people are happy and take all the money and the poor once are sad and have nothing and it is you who will make a change, those three point are the major information about the game.

For the rest of the information, like we said the game will take place in London, big roads and trolley every where, noble and poor peoples, locomotives and trains, you are no longer in the old day's the world developed and technology began to make a place in it, in this assassin's the tools changed you cant walk around with sword's instead you have knives, the mini gun in the secret blade made a place to grapnel, and you have a gun directly not a mini one, the combat still also changed and for the best it is more dynamic and more fast and thats for the best, and changing between Evie & Jacob means changing the combat still, in fact Evie is more infiltration and Jacob

more bold headed style, and last thing that made it appearance the transport technique changed, you will no longer only use ships or horses, trolley locomotives and more modernness tools are in the game.

    Those are the major point's that where announced today about the new assassin's creed so lets make a quick recap:

  • The game called Assassin's Creed: Syndicate
  • The game is scheduled for this autumn on PC, PS4 and Xbox One
  • Two playable characters: Jacob and Evie (they are brother and sister)
  • It will be possible to play a woman
  • Jacob will be the main character
  • 75% of missions for Jacob, 25% for Evie
  • During the exploration phase, it will be possible to switch from one to the other
  • The story takes place during the Victorian era in London
  • There will be no multiplayer
  • Last thing last the game will be on PC-Xbox One & PS4 
  • the game will available the 23 October on PS4 and Xbox One and for PC it will be Fall 2015.

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     Since E3 2013 and his announcement, we had not heard of Mirror's Edge 2. The muscular trailer it augured a focus of gameplay on combat? EA would he force a multiplayer resolutely in the concept of single-player game? Until now no comments had provided answers.

    The first interesting point is that Rocket Chainsaw reveals that the trailer we saw at E3 was well 100% of real time and "generally not scripted," including the fight scenes. In these times of great disappointment graphics is very good news, although it is likely that the version shown was running on a high-end PC.

    Mirror's Edge 2 will be much complete and total reboot of the franchise. The main purpose of the reboot is to create a vibrant open world city. One of the main criticisms made in the first title being too interventionist Meanwhile, in exploiting the potential of parkour, open world is a major shortcoming of Mirror's Edge first name.

    EA and DICE have both worked on the integration of a Mirror's Edge 2 in multiplayer mode, which does not seem to be limited to the simple ways of co-op or competitive games as time trials but will be much more ambitious

    DICE would have opted for a more complex combat system and interaction with the environment. The stated desire is to emphasize the speed and fluidity to take full advantage of parkour and integrate the fight in the overall dynamics of the game.

    Now for the bad news, their is no release date announced till now the only thing that we knew that the game might be lunched on 2016 

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    It's a while since we posted a naruto planning the thing is that with the side story it was not necessary to post them, but today it is another story because the SS end's and the original one will start again, after a total of 20 episodes the side story will stop the May 28 at episode 414.

The planning: 

May 14: Naruto Shippuden Episode 412 - The decision to Neji
May 21: Naruto Shippuden episode 413 - Looking to the Future
May 28: Naruto Shippuden episode 414 - the threshold of death
June 4: Naruto Shippuden Episode 415 - Two mangekyo

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    Bougie en bulle this event that we spoke about many times before,in,and after the event, it was a great experience for us and we had a chance to meet with lot of designers professional and amateur.

    Like we said we meet lot of designer so we decided to make a series of interview with them and we will began with a young lady, a girl among boys the only one we could found, the name of this young lady HADDOUCHE Djedjiga, young and talented we could not stop our self to notice her and her drawings.

    So to make this interview it was a simple ask and answer style, first thing first we asked her to present her self and she did 

'' My name HADDOUCHE Djedjiga, I am 21 years old

nice and simple, we asked here 

{when  did you start drawing? and did you make a special formation a studied drawing?} she said 

"I started drawing when I was 13, I started imitating characters after watching cartoons and manga's that was on TV at the time, it was more manga like: Pokemon, Hunter x Hunter, Fullmetal Alchemist and Naruto. that inspired me I was trying draw the characters, little by little, absorbing their drawing style
until i ended creating my own characters and I making my own style, At first, I always started my drawings by the contour of the face, then comes the eyes, nose, mouth, etc .... Now I give more importance to the eyes, if i don't like the eyes or i don't succeed to draw them, I erase all the draw and I start again."

we continued our interview with another question 

{have you been inspired by a particular designer?

and the answer was yes " The designer that did inspire me the most is Masashi Kishimoto, Naruto's creator. His drawing style was completely fascinating i was captivated and
fascinated, despite the fact i learned that the Sensei had been at the school of fine arts, it did not discourage me so far, on the contrary, it pushed me to do better.", 

after that we tried to change the manga subject so we asked here

 {did you try to draw anything else beside manga's characters}, so she said 

"Once, I was asked to paint the portrait of two people. These were people around me (my two young cousins, which I say hi to them by the way), but how to tell them i only draw
manga's? but in the end I accepted. When I finished,they did like it of course. But I was going out altered my motto was to draw only the characters in fiction, manga was the only thing that was allowing me to escape from reality, so I decided to stop.",

 after hearing this answer we thought that we touched a nerve so we decided to cool the air and we asked a funny question

{what is your favorite manga? and do you play video games? if so what is your favorite video game?}

after listing to this series of question she did not back up and she did answer " My favorite Manga, well ... my favorite Mangas are: GTO, Naruto, Black Butler, Bleach, Death Note ...
I love fighting games, I played Street Fighter, Garou Mark Of The Wolves, Guilty Gear X2. Prince of Persia, I also like Kingdom Hearts (GameBoy).", and to finish our interview we asked here a direct and simple question {do you inspire to do more with your drawing as create a manga or to integrate a creative house anime?} the answer was simple "The dream of every artist is to make a name for him/her self so yes, I hope to go further with my drawings.".
  The interview was nice and we enjoyed every moment with the young designer but how to let her go without making here pass our digital quiz, so lets GO.

-do you consider your self an otaku more then a gamer or the   opposite "I consider myself as an Otaku more then a Gamer."

-what do you like more facebook or twitter "I am more facebook then twitter"

-what is the most creation that you are proud of "The work    which I am most proud, but still not completed,is a  drawing of Naruto Shippuden where naruto is seen with  Master Jiraiya fiddling Naruto's hair. and also I am on a  story that took me 2 years now and is still unfinished."

    So this is the end of our interview we hope that you liked our little meeting with our the young designer, one of many talents in our country that still waiting to have a chance to express their full potential.

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She is an RPG player and symphonic OST fan her passion adapting and singing in French famous songs from video games and Ghibli Studios movies. We had the honner and the pleasur to to have an interview with the sweet Marion 

Digital Anime: So Hello !, Miss Mioune it's a pleasure to have you with us for this interview we really thank you for your acceptance we are the team Digital Anime Media team on the site [] Site specialize in the J-pop culture and video games,interviews and talent discovery! Thank you again for award us your time. So RPG gamer and fan of OST your passion is to make the adaptation of video game songs in French; this the Mioune that everyone knows but other than that, but could you tell us a bit more about yourself?

Mioune: Hello and thank you very much for offering me this interview! In the life of every day, I'm Marion, I'm 28 years old and I am a French teacher for foreigners.

Digital Anime:  55 video published on your YouTube channel with a very good number of views but after all it's your voice is just remarkable, there is a question that runs in my mind; where you obtain this ambition to sing with a beautiful purity? you have a teacher who helps you to do that? and those around you, are they respecting what are you doing?

Miounde: What compliments! Thank you a lot! I did, in fact, no musical training. I learned to sing by himself. I would have wanted to take singing lessons, but it is expensive; I therefore advance only slowly. My entourage is very respectful with respect to what I do on YouTube; My family is proud and especially happy to know that there is an area in which I blossom. Music is, anyway, something familiar to me, because several members of my family are musicians themselves: like one of my older brothers is bassist and guitarist or an uncle who is a violinist in the group Tri Yann.

Digital Anime: MADE IN ASIA (BE) - Saturday, March 14, 2015 Senyu - Saturday, February 28, 2015 PARIS MANGA - Saturday 7 and Sunday, February 8, 2015 GAME OVER - Saturday, November 2014 ... four dates of your concerts already past Bravo .. good continuation going on stage, request for large enough psychological strength; from where Mioune provides this force face the public? (You can check all her photos on stage following this link [] or watch her Live performance with this link [] )

Mioune: It's true that it's not easy to face many people when there is little stage experience. We are afraid to forget our words or make false notes ... but all this stress is much forgotten when we know that once the first notes outputs, it will be only happiness. In general, I create a bubble while I sing; a bubble which disappears still systematically at the end of each piece to reconnect with the public.

Digital Anime: If we take the example LeeandLie or PelleK singer who recently signed with Square Enix, we can say that in France you are the leader right? do you want to work with publishing companies of video games or anime adaptation?

Mioune: There are others who make YouTubers French adaptation; like Poucet or Aya_me so I can not call myself a leader, except perhaps the video game songs? What is sure, is that I would love to work with publishers, but it's so huge that it's still in the "dreams"! For now, I try to do what could be within reach: independent publishers of video games. :)

Digital Anime: In the world of music; it's clear that there are musicians who are inspired by another musician and artist, your case miss Mioune? which one get you inspired to create your songs and the desire to do so?

Mioune: I really do not know who gave me the desire to sing first (it's been a long time!) But there are several artists that give me inspiration, including Marié Digby or Nina Nesbitt.

Digital Anime: on your site you wrote and plan over 20 project I wish you clearly that happen. but at the level of concerts you hadn't written anything, tell us about your upcoming projects, and are you ready to make long distance?.

Mioune: Playing shows is absolutely new to me; I had never done before so you it all starts gradually emerging. Have already done 4 in the space of three months is already much; it's a big change! For now, I have nothing else planned, but certainly for the second half of the year. The travel long distances would be somewhat problematic for the moment, because it would mean from several days and as I am a teacher, I do not have all the school holidays and I have no one to replace me ... haha would be difficult!

Digital Anime: The 22 songs on Final Fantasy saga is clear that you love this series. but since we are talking about video game song it's the FF songs your best achievement? what is your favorite video games and your favorite cartoon?

Mioune: As I said in every interview, it's hard to say what is my best achievement since all that is purely subjective, but one that gave me the inspiration is "Suteki Da Ne" Final Fantasy X. Final Fantasy is clearly the series of video games that I prefer (with VI first) and about anime, there are many that I love, but I will tell Naruto (One Piece is just behind!)

Digital Anime: 6601 subscribed and more than 750,000 views on your YouTube channel congratulations wonderful numbers; unfortunately to tell you that we arrive at the end of this interview A final words for your fans this is your space leave a message it is for you now !!

Mioune: I'd really like to thank from my heart all those who follow me and encourage me, it warms my heart and it boosts me to make things better! :) THANK YOU ALL !! ??

Digital Anime: Thank you again for giving us a bit of your time we wish you a beautiful continuation and career more than successful.

Mioune: Thank you very much! A lovely continuation also!

So thanks again for Miss Mioune for giving us a little from her time hope you liked the interview please of you Subscribe and like her Facebook page and Youtube Channel she is very Active and please don't use here photos and music she Claim there Copyright and any use illegally will be tolerated as a violation of copyright 

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