While the NX gently sails on the horizon, all eyes are on the future of Nintendo. It's mobile, it's new console, it's connective. Many things, except the largest. It does not talk about the game. And if this behavior is normal at the end of generation, it is less just three and a half years after the release of a console. What to ask that famous question: The Wii U Has a future? 

     It burns the lips of all Wii U owners While some say they are not numerous, all mocking. It is not false. With 12.7 million consoles sold worldwide, the Wii U is clearly not a success. But 12.7 million consoles, it's still a lot of players concerned about the future of their machine. A horribly uncertain future when we observe the communication of Nintendo. Quite simply, in recent months, we hear mostly about the mobile and the next Nintendo console, but very little of what the Wii U could offer yet.

    Unfortunately, just do a small tour of the upcoming events to realize that headlines to come out on Wii U be counted on the fingers of one hand. Pokkén Tournament, Starfox Zero, Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem and the new The Legend of Zelda are the biggest excluded no doubt, and we have just scrape all 2016 Let's be clear, this is more like an end of cycle life as a boom, while a three-year console should be in top form. And if last year, games like Super Mario Maker Splatoon and were able to save face, the truth is this: The Wii U is living its last hours.

     But why such a pessimistic speech? Actually, there are several reasons that lead us to this conclusion. 
The first is: Never a console has suddenly developed its growth after three years of stagnation. As a new platform, it should work faster. It must be popular, that the word of mouth that people buy it after having to play with friends, in short, it is a real event in the small world of gaming. For if a console is not selling, publishers are more games on it. And if publishers do more games on a console, the console does not sell. A gear in which is deeply embedded with the Nintendo Wii U, hile the box trying to save the day with his (excellent) house productions. Unfortunately, we can not create a crazy and eclectic toy library alone, even when your name is Nintendo.

     The minute Ubisoft, which had supported the console since its inception in February 2013 announced that the Wii U exclusive Rayman Legends would eventually be cross-
platform, this was the beginning of the end. Not only because of the loss of exclusivity, a common practice in the video game. But because Ubisoft decided to voluntarily delay the Wii U Release Rayman Legends of at least six months, only 1 month of expected output, and while the Wii U Version was ready. A publisher is not such a gesture by chance. It seemed obvious that the Nintendo console no longer counted for much for the big publishers, from a financial point of view. The Mass was said.

    But most third party publishers, the behavior of Nintendo that proves most worrying. Ask yourself this question: When was the last big announcement of the firm for its Wii U? Look again ... Yes, that's far. Not a shadow of Mario or Samus silhouette of a pen, much less a Kid Icarus. No roar of a car of F-Zero, for that matter. Licenses that are silent when it comes to the youngest of Nintendo. And although personally I would like to reassure that you will attend a crazy E3 2016 with all the ads you were dreaming, I do not see anything like that emerge. Nintendo is too harnessed to the NX to put the budget and four large development teams on the Wii U. Oh, I'm not saying there will not be a shadow of an announcement on Wii U. I think even, indeed, the console will provide us at least a real swan song after the Legend of Zelda, in 2017. But the damage is already done: Nintendo dignity can not afford to create a AAA console with d 'a poor park.

     But should throw her out the window Wii U so far? Not so sure. The longevity of Nintendo games is undeniable and titles like Super Smash Bros Wii U Mario Kart 8, Splatoon or Super Mario Maker remain bombs must-have if you do not
already have them, hoping that Nintendo does not cut service online console as fast as for the Wii. Above all, it remains to be seen how the Wii U will be compatible with the NX. As casually, we still do not know what will look like the NX, other than deposits patent and comments that appear to move towards ultra-connected machine that would enable remote actions. The Wii U does have a role to play there? Perhaps. Only the future will tell us more, and if we do not have the answer in the spring, we will have no doubt the next E3.

    Regardless, one thing is certain: the Wii U's failure does not spell the end of Nintendo. The company has always been farsighted enough to not put all your eggs in one basket. With the success of the 3DS sold over 58 million copies, but also amiibo, the firm can afford a few flops. Besides, it will not be the first since the Gamecube was already a relative failure with just under 22 million copies sold. When you consider it was followed by the Wii and 100 million copies, was little doubt Nintendo's ability to surprise the world of gaming. In short, it remains for us to follow the next E3 Nintendo should not miss enticing ads, hoping that the Wii U will give us all the same the last few surprises, it certainly will live his last conference .. .

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